Freshwater Aquarium Fish for Beginners Easy Fish to Keep Alive
However, if you're ready to start an aquarium and are aware of what you're taking on, there are a whole host of colorful fish to choose from. If you're in the throes of setting up a home aquarium, you may be curious about the types of freshwater fish you can keep as a pet. Often the first fish that springs to mind is a goldfish, but there are so many other wonderful species out there that can be kept as pets. Remember to monitor salt levels regularly and adjust as needed to keep your aquatic friends healthy and happy. With the right balance you’ll not only prevent diseases but also promote overall well-being in your aquarium.
An aquarium that’s safe for fish will read 0 ppm (parts per million) of ammonia, 0 ppm nitrite, and around 10 ppm of nitrate. Therefore, it’s not recommended to keep fish in an aquarium without a running filter for more than a week and that’s pushing it. Generally, the fish for an aquarium of this size should not be an over-breeder or a fast-grower. A 5-gallon bowl with some live plants would make a good habitat for a single male Betta. Such small volumes of water get polluted by organic waste very quickly and sudden ammonia spikes, deadly for aquatic inhabitants, are often observed. Betta fish, which has a unique organ called the Labyrinth, is one kind of fish that can survive such low-oxygen environments.
Read each description carefully, and be honest about your experience level so you don’t get overwhelmed by a complex turtle species like the Chinese Softshell Turtle as a beginner. First-time aquarists should consider easy options like Red-Eared Slider, Stripe-Neck Musk, and Reeves’ Turtles. Earlier, I highlighted the beauty of colorful aquatic turtles, so let’s shine a light on another sub-variant, the Southern Painted Turtle.As with most types of exotic freshwater fish, there is a wide range of varieties to choose from. The reasons why these are popular beginner aquarium fish are that platies come in almost any color and they live peacefully with other fish. How to maintain a freshwater aquarium is essential for keeping your tank clean and your fish healthy. With regular maintenance, you can ensure a thriving aquatic environment. These fish are relatively easy to care for, requiring stable water conditions and a balanced diet of high-quality flake foods, along with occasional live or frozen treats.